Our Story

Elisa Rodrigues de Araújo


IV World Conference on Women, 4-15 September 1995, Beijing, China.

Our foundress, Professor Elisa Rodrigues de Araújo, PhD in Law and expert in Human Rights, was invited by the United Nations to participate in the IV World Conference on Women, held in Beijing, as an Observer.

The foundress with Gerturde Mongella, Secretary-General of the Fourth World Conference on Women, during the Conference in Beijing.

The foundress with the Delegation of the Government of Ghana.

With Conference Delegates.


ANDI New Dialogue Organization officially begins, inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the unequivocal means to achieve a culture of peace. Our foundress participated in other International conferences of the United Nations.

United Nations Conference on Human Settlements: Habitat II (3-14 June 1996, in Istanbul, Turkey)

ANDI is active in international forums of the UN through the Economic Civil Society Network (CSONET) and participates with its contributions for the preparation of documents prior to the international conferences

ANDI members participate in Human Rights forums and congresses.

Participation on the V International Congress of European Culture: A contribution from WOMAN on the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights.


Our foundress attended the prestigious summer school of the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, which gathers Human Rights experts from across the world.

European Parliament

At the European Court of Human Rights

and Council of Europe


ANDI JUNIOR was founded by Elisa, Rosario, Francisco, Ignacio and Carlos Gómez Rodrigues de Araújo, inspired by their parents’ activism. They believed children could be leaders of social change and wanted to help other children in need.

ANDI’s First Solidarity Christmas Campaign benefited three orphanages in Asia, for abandoned children.

Orphanages in Asia was the first project to help and cooperate through the development of their solidarity and fundraising activities.

December 2014, ANDI members prepared a Christmas’ craft market.


ANDI’s First Solidarity Spring Campaign.

ANDI Second Solidarity Christmas Campaign. Many children joined the initiative, so ANDI organized more solidarity workshops.


ANDI’s solidarity campaigns, programs and activities began to be replicated by schools, museums, communities and various groups of children, adults and elderly.

The same activities have been developed by small groups of friends and families from their homes joining to the solidarity campaigns.

ANDI has signed several agreements of DEVELOPMENT AID AND COOPERATION to help children in need around the world.

ANDI signs a collaboration agreement against violence and child slavery with international representatives.

ANDI JUNIOR members with the founder of the Bonde Labour Liberation Front Global.

ANDI has received several recognitions throughout its trajectory, by prestigious international organizations, such as the United Nations, as well as national and local authorities. It has been recognized as an organization of high social value, as beneficiary of Social Patronage (distinction from Government of Navarre, Spain) and has been awarded grants from public authorities in various countries.

ANDI expanded its Activities and Projects across the world and is now present in the five continents.

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